Tuesday, 21 July 2015

12 Hours to Chiang Mai

Having had a little trouble sleeping due to our body clocks (!) we woke up at 5:30am to take the 12 hour train journey to Chiang Mai, where we will be staying for 8 nights. Surprisingly, the journey was comfy, had lots of legroom and we had great company!😃
On arrival, we were greeted with THE best transport ever - tuk tuks!!! We took a short ride through night time Chiang Mai which looked incredible, and we all got very excited to explore! Dinner was served when we got there (loving the food!!) and then we went to bed. The accommodation is fantastic, we have hot showers, air con and EXTRA PILLOWS!! Fair to say we all slept like babies.
You'll never guess what little visitor we found in our room... (El didn't realise they flew)... A cockroach!! Grace acted as Doctor Doolitlle and tamed the beast with a glass and then Fiona came to the rescue and transported it outside to its rightful home.
Having an amazing time, love to all at home! If you want to comment, please do!!
Love Grace, Flo and El X


  1. Glad to hear you're all having a good time. Grace's nan would be proud of her trick with the glass!!

  2. Glad to hear you're all having a good time. Grace's nan would be proud of her trick with the glass!!

  3. Hi ladies.Great to see your pics and read the blogs! You all look as if you are having a ball! I am with El re the beastie- didn't realise they can fly- eugh. Wasn't sure if pc to post, so thanks!!
    Have a good day

  4. Flying roaches are an abiding memory of 2 years living in Hong Kong and they grow really big as well! The only insect spray that seemed to deal with them has been banned in Europe since the 1980s so they can be well and truly indestructible!

  5. Flying roaches are an abiding memory of 2 years living in Hong Kong and they grow really big as well! The only insect spray that seemed to deal with them has been banned in Europe since the 1980s so they can be well and truly indestructible!
